Cool and Warm Season Crops in Western Oregon

Hello students and teachers!

We’re so glad you’re joining us for our Cool and Warm Season Crops digital field trip lessons. Read through each lesson and click on the links to learn with us.

Scroll down for previous weeks.

We are also offering Family Field Trips onsite at Topaz Farm this spring! Click here for more information and to register.

If you or your teacher is interested in how our Digital Field Trips correlate with Oregon’s Next Generation Science Standards, you can check out our handy Module Descriptions and NGSS Correlations document.











Have you noticed that we mention what season certain crops grow in in our Recipes?  Have you ever heard someone talk about how some plants can’t grow in Oregon (like bananas)?  Do you ever wonder why we have apple trees but not avocado trees in our area?

This set of lessons focuses on when, where and how certain plants grow. It also gives some great examples of how to grow some of these crops, and what farmers have to consider when planting crops. These lessons look a little different than some of our other modules. Each lesson is listed as a question – click on the question and you’ll find a video or presentation created by one of our Portland State University Capstone partners or SIC staff answering it! 


Question one:

What does it mean to eat in-season?

– by PSU Capstone Heather









Question two:

What growing zone is the Willamette Valley a part of?

– by PSU Capstone Cody













Question three:

What are cool season plants?

– by PSU Capstone Buck










Question four:

What are some common cool season plants grown in Western Oregon?

– by PSU Capstone Raul










Question five:

If you could plant a cool season garden what 3-5 plants would you include?

– by SIC Program Director Aliesje








Question six:

What are warm season plants?

– by PSU Capstone Acsa










Question seven:

What are some common warm season plants grown in Western Oregon?

– by PSU Capstone Audrey









Question eight:

If you could plant a warm season garden what 3-5 plants would you include?

– by PSU Capstone Sam













Question nine:

What are some common vegetables we eat we cannot grow in Western Oregon?

– by PSU Capstone Heather